martes, 22 de diciembre de 2015

Throughout our lives we have always had the stereotypical male and female expectations. Growing up I have always been told not to cry and to tough it out. In a way I am glad that I was told to be like this, but it still falls under how our young minds are influenced by what our parents tell us. There is a video going around on the Internet right now of a father in his car with his two kids. His young boy is holding a Barbie doll and could not be more excited to have his new toy. The father goes on about how he will not judge his kids’ interests and will allow them to be whoever they want to be. Paul Theroux’s ‘Being a Man’ talks about the exact opposite of this man with how the youth is subverted into the masculine ideal. Men have to be strong, proper, and to “Be a man.” He also says how there a femininity ideal. Females are told to be lady-like, kind, and to need a man. Both of these have to do with our minds being influenced at a young age.  This is not having complete control over our identity. Although you do not completely understand choosing your own identity at a very young age, it is up to the parents how their child is allowed to act. If parents do not allow their boy to play with Barbie dolls and instead make him play with super hero action figures, they are not allowing him to be himself. It would be the same situation if a girl wanted to wear a Spiderman costume for Halloween instead of a Disney Princess but the parents would not let her, the parents are not allowing the girl to be herself. Although the images of men and women are changing in today’s world, we are still not able to get away from the norms of society and the judgment that comes when the norms are challenged.

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